Community Announcements 

7:00 P.M. March 5, 2025

Call to order
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
Add items to agenda
Approve agenda
Approve Minutes for February 5, 2025
Approve claims
Approve revenue
Public comments
Committee Reports

Garbage Resolution
Rec & Park Board
Summer pay coaches
Summer fees

Delinquent Notice/disconnections
Police Report
Shop Report
Post Prom
Drainage at School
Colonial Life Hunter & Nick 

Executive Session if necessary
Equalization Meeting March 20, 2025 at 7:00 pm
Next regular meeting April 7, 2025 at 7:00 pm



DUE BY 01/31/2025

Stop by to pick up/fill out application

Office hours

Monday thru Friday 8:00 to 4:30

Applications are available outside office in Library. They can be filled out & put in drop box with rabies vaccine & payment. Tag(s) will be mailed.


Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be beheld before the Avon City council at its regular meeting on February 5, 2025 at 7:00 pm or as soon after that hour as practical. The hearing will be held at Avon City Meeting Room on the following change of license to LLC applications as listed below for license to sell alcoholic beverage in the City of Avon, SD

Pour Corner – Lot 16 Block 3 Original Plat Avon

Any interested person may appear and will be given an opportunity to be heard either for or against approval of above applications

Tina Gramkow

City Finance Officer

Notice of Vacancies
Notice of Vacancy Municipality of Avon

The following offices will become vacant due to the expirations of the present term or due to resignation of office of the elective officer:

Alderman Ward 1 - 3 year term– Paul Thury

Alderman Ward 2 – 3 year term – Randy Berndt

Circulation of nominating petitions may begin on January 31, 2025 and petitions may be filed in the office of the fiancé office located at 116 North Main St between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:30 pm central time not later than 28 day of February, 2025, or mailed by registered mail not later than the 28th day of February 2025 at 5:00 pm central time.

Tina Gramkow

Finance Officer

Published January 22 & 29, 2025 at the total approximate cost of $_____ and may be viewed free of charge as


To all Tolsma’s Windchime Friends

To Modern Woodman for matching funds for past 2 years. Tolsma’s Cove had decided they weren’t going to do the fireworks display anymore & wished to give funds already raised to a Non-Profit Organization. Avon Ambulance/Avon Save a Life is happy to accept the donation to use for training of new EMT’s.

Mark & Julie Tolsma & Avon Ambulance/Avon Save a Life

AN ORDINANCE 297 ESTABLISHING SNOW REMOVAL AND SANDING POLICY BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF AVON, SOUTH DAKOTA, BON HOMME COUNTY. Section 1: It shall be unlawful for any person or entity to park, place or allow to remain, along any curb or edge of any street or roadway within the corporate limits of the City of Avon, South Dakota, any vehicle, boat, trailer, camper, farm implement or machinery or any other item, after snowfall accumulations that exceeds two (2”) inches in any given twenty-four hour (24 hour) period of time. Failure to do so may result in ticketing and/or towing and/or a fine of $25.00 (plus court costs) the first day and increasing at $25.00 (plus court costs) per day thereafter until units is removed. Section 2: It shall also be unlawful to clean your residential driveway, sidewalk, or any other portion of your property and dispose of the snow by placing it on the street, on the alley or other’s property. A fine of $25.00 (plus court costs) per day may be imposed until the proper disposition of your snow. REMOVAL This is a general order for snow removal and may vary depending on day of the week, school start time or the amount of accumulation. 1. Main Street 2. Fire Department on 1st Avenue 3. School area (Pine Street between 1st and 2nd Avenues) 4. Truck Route 5. Residential Streets (N/S-E/W) 6. Alleys SANDING 1. Main Street 2. School Area 3. Truck Routes 4. Intersections Other areas may be sanded when requests are made to the Street Commissioner and at his discretion. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed.


Garbage Guidelines


FOOD TRUCK UPDATE: You may now designate a proxy to come and pick up your food from the Food Truck. The attached form MUST be filled out every month. It WILL NOT carry through for more than one month. You may download the form from here or you may pick one up or have one mailed/emailed to you from the City Office. You may also call the City Office at 605-286-3694 or 605-464-4724 and it will be mailed/emailed or brought out to your car. If you have any questions, you may call Twyla at the City Office for more information.
Click here to download form.

The City of Avon has now set up a text messaging system for all those who want to be reminded of the monthly Feeding South Dakota truck.  Just text the word “food” to 888-429-0064 and you will receive a monthly reminder of when the truck is scheduled to be in Avon.


The State of South Dakota in collaboration with SD Housing Development Authority, Helpline Center, and partner agencies, are working to assist South Dakotans who have been impacted by COVID-19 and the related economic crisis by offering financial assistance to help stabilize their housing situation. The funding is provided to South Dakota through the CARES Act and the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 - Emergency Rental Assistance. The two funding sources will vary in eligibility requirements, eligible uses and required documentation.

If you are unable to pay rent, mortgage, property insurance on your home, or utilities because of the pandemic, short-term financial assistance may be available.

SD CARES Housing Assistance Program may provide temporary housing or utility assistance for South Dakota residents who meet all of the following criteria:

  • Households income qualify based on county of residence. You must fall below the income level listed for your county and household size.

  • Have one or more individuals in the household who has qualified for unemployment benefits, experienced a reduction in household income, incurred significant costs or experienced other financial hardship due directly or indirectly to the coronavirus outbreak.

  • Have one or more individuals in the household that have a past due utility bill or mortgage statement or are able to prove that they are at risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability.

For more information or to apply go to:

Small Town. Big Heart.

Avon is located in Bon Homme County, South Dakota.  We are comfortably located between several small to medium sized cities and well within comfortable driving range to one of South Dakota’s major metropolitan centers.  We offer an excellent place for family growth including an outstanding school that is large enough to include mainstream subjects but small enough that individual attention can still be given to any student.  We have a wide variety of sports here and you will find that the entire city goes all out to support each team, no matter how far they have to travel or how many times.  Or, if your family prefers a calmer pace, we offer the Avon Public Library, the Avon Kid’s Club, and the Avon City Park.  No wonder they call us “The Small Town With The Big Heart”.

Business District

Business District

City Park

City Park